050084: Methylene Blue Dye Test Strips for Qualitative Detection of Hydroxyl Radicals


Michigan State University’s invention is a method for indicating the presence of hydroxyl radicals in an aqueous solution. The method uses a simple procedure requiring inexpensive materials, without the addition of competitive probe chemicals that potentially can interfere with the reaction. Mythylene blue dye qualitatively indicates the presence of hydroxyl radicals by visible, distinct bleaching of the blue dye on a paper test strip. A lack of bleaching indicates the absence of hydroxyl radicals in the sample.



·         Provides a rapid, qualitative, visual means of indicating the presence of hydroxyl radicals

·         Simple and inexpensive

·         Avoids the use of chemical probes, which are needed for previous methods

·         Could be applied to remediation of organic and solvent wastes, as well as wastewater treatment



The invention can be used to monitor the progress of in situ chemical oxidation of chlorinated solvents at clean-up sites, as well as checking for wastewater and effluent at treatment sites.


IP Protection Status

U.S. patent 7,939,340



Patent Information:


For Information, Contact:

Raymond Devito
Technology Manager
Michigan State University - Test