Cube2Cube (C2C)


This technology, named Cube2Cube (C2C), is a nimble learning platform integrating learning and gaming to facilitate acquisition of a target language. Working as a visualization system platform, C2C maps the fundamental sound elements of the subject language onto the six-sides of a cube. Players can learn the subject language by playing with the cubes and linking cubes together one at a time to create words and sentences. Through this cube playing activity, players learn to recognize rules governing patterns of words, rhymes, and sentence structure and to build those patterns while advancing to higher levels. The technology provides a novel way to integrate the player's multi-sensory perception, including visual, tactile, and aural, into reasoning and problem solving thereby enabling effective language learning. This methodology for language education also accommodates multiple learning styles and learning disabilities such as autism, dyslexia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as vision and hearing impairments. Combining the enjoyable features of gaming with language learning, C2C has the potential to become an effective model for language learning.


Cube2Cube Video Demonstration in Chinese, English and Japanese (YouTube)


Technology Benefits

Flexible - the technology can be used for any language including programming languages

Intuitive - the tactile and visual aspects of C2C make it easy to comprehend

Fun - the technology generates an enjoyable language learning experience

Multi-platform - products can take the form of a physical game, online game, mobile game, video game, application software (app), massively multi-player online role-playing game

(MMORPG), or other

Innovative - offers a novel alternative to the way that students today are taught language

Expedites learning - technique enables rapid learning of a language compared to traditional course-based methods

Cost effective - this simple and effective but affordable language learning tool offers an alternative to high-cost tuition-based learning systems



• Classroom curriculum

• Translation studies

• iPad, iPhone, Android apps

• Online gaming

• Video games

• Mobile gaming

• Business and travel language learning

• Military language learning

• Computer language learning

• Special needs - ESL, Autism, ADHD, vision or hearing impaired
Patent Information:


For Information, Contact:

Anne Disante
Associate Director
Michigan State University - Test
Catherine Ryu