Search Results - waveform+analysis

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100099: Compressive Spike Sorting for Neural Implants

Many companies sell neurophysiology data acquisition systems that are bulky, wired, and very expensive, requiring large computational power via PCs to sort neural spikes. In addition, the spike-sorting task is a fundamental step in the design of clinically viable brain machine interfaces for restoring normal sensory and motor function of disabled...
Published: 7/21/2014   |   Inventor(s): Karim Oweiss, Mehdi Aghagolzadeh
Keywords(s): Algorithm, Electrodes, Neural Network, Waveform Analysis Category(s): Medical, Biotechnology

060077: Determining Ejection Fraction Volumes on a Continuous Basis

People with progressive heart failure need ejection fraction (EF) measurements as critical information in diagnosis and treatment. EF is the percentage of the total volume in a ventricular chamber of the heart that is ejected per beat, a key measure of overall heart function. A technology allowing continuous monitoring of EF would allow for much...

050010: Continuous Monitoring of Cardiac Output and Left Atrial Pressure

Cardiac output (CO) is the volume of blood ejected by the heart per unit time, while left atrial pressure (LAP) is the blood pressure in the left heart during the cardiac filling phase. Both CO and LAP permit the diagnosis of various cardiovascular disease processes and thereby facilitate imminent therapeutic decisions. Thus, the ability to monitor...