Search Results - terpene

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110050: A Novel Enzyme That Synthesizes Sesquiterpenes to Provide Insect Resistance in Plants

Zingiberene is a sesquiterpene produced by many plant species including ginger, turmeric, cultivated tomato, and its wild relatives. It is synthesized at particularly high levels in the trichomes of certain accessions of the wild tomato species Solanum habrochaites and is a potent insect repellent. The identification of a gene from S. habrochaites...
Published: 7/21/2014   |   Inventor(s): Cornelius Barry, Eliana GonzaleS-Vigil
Keywords(s): Insect Resistance, Terpene, Transgenic Crops Category(s): Biotechnology, Agriculture

090106: Sequence and Cloning of Methyl Butenol Synthase

There is a growing economic and environmental need for the development of alternative fuel sources due to concerns of sustainability. An ideal biofuel would be highly renewable, efficient as a fuel, inexpensive, and easy to produce in high volume. A problem with many biofuels, including ethanol, is that they can only be produced in certain locations...
Published: 7/21/2014   |   Inventor(s): Dennis Gray, Thomas Sharkey, Eric Singsaas
Keywords(s): Biofuel, Chemical Feedstock, Cyanobacteria, Isoprene, Methyl Butenol, Rubber, Terpene Category(s): Biotechnology, Chemicals, Energy