Search Results - chemopotentiator

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020060: Novel Multi-Substituted Imidazolines with Potential anti Microbial and Anti-inflammatory Application

NF-kB is a transcription factor that regulates a large number of genes and biochemical pathways, including those involved in immune, inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic responses. Many areas of drug discovery are focused on developing reagents that regulate NF-kB. Imidazolines are potent inhibitors of NF-kB, and are currently being used to treat a...
Published: 7/21/2014   |   Inventor(s): Jetze Tepe, Satyamaheshwar Peddibhotla
Keywords(s): Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Chemopotentiator, Imidazoline Category(s): Medical, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical